Musky Whisperer Guide Service
Bryan Piekarski-Professional Musky Angler & Guide
15720 Golden Eagle Cove
Huntertown, IN 46748
I am a Northern Indiana Musky Guide utilizing Medium Tackle and Spinning Gear for a more memorable Musky Fishing experience. Fishing Webster, Tippy, Barbee, Loon and Skinner Lakes all located within 1 hour of Fort Wayne, IN. Visit our website at .
The fabled Musky is said to be the fish of 10,000 casts. I am a devoted Musky Fisherman and this is the only specie that I fish for. While they ARE difficult to catch, I have spent countless hours fishing for them on the five outstanding Musky fisheries that are located within one hour of Fort Wayne, Indiana. You may choose the lake you would like to fish, or I will advise you on which one is “Hot” at the time you would like to go. For more information, please contact me at 260-637-8554 or email me at:

For Indiana fish and game regulations, maps and seasons,
click here.
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